Brian: "I'll Do My Part, Dear Lord!"

Go ahead. Call me a wimp! I just couldn’t go to the MTC to see Susan nor David leave and walk down that long sidewalk in Provo, UT, as they gave final goodbyes for their missions. When Brian left to go to Brazil, I had a good self-talk with myself, and I decided to brave the ordeal! I was pleasantly surprised as it was actually a very nice experience. Emotional? Oh yes! But I didn’t realize the power of the Spirit that dwells there. So, Brian was headed to the MTC and learning Portuguese. It had been a major effort getting him ready to go to a third-world country. We purchased expensive Doc Martin shoes that wouldn’t wear out in the torrential rains and excessive walking. Also, we got Savan pants as they advertised you could “pound them on a rock in Brazil” to wash them, and they would last! 😊 Funny how one remembers small details.

Jim was struggling with very high numbers with his blood sugar trying to stabilize his Diabetes. It was an extremely stressful time for us all. Brian was leaving home for the first time. David had five months left to go on his mission to Oklahoma City. We had a lot on our plate! Missions are very expensive! And, parents want their children to have only the best! The letters from missionaries at the MTC are so rewarding. (No email yet!) However, I remember one from Brian during his 2-month stay there, “I’ve been so preoccupied and worried by Dad’s high blood numbers and his failing health that I wanted you to know what I asked in a prayer. ‘Lord, I promise that I will give my ALL to your service to the people in Brazil if you will please allow my dad to be there when I get home. I don’t want to lose him while I am on my mission!’” I knew then that Brian would be a very humble, obedient, and successful missionary, and he was! And, his dad met him at the airport two years later and he's still hanging around!

All of Brian’s friends prepared to serve missions as they turned 19. They were active, fun teenagers! Most of the boys were from the Boise First Ward, however, two boys from other wards were gathered into the First Ward “nest” by none other than Brian Reed Shepherd. Brent Bastian had few friends or peer support in Foothills Ward. Brian really liked Brent and just gathered him into their tight little band. Rob Powell lived up on the bench. He was the only one in his ward who lived within Boise High School boundaries, and as such, was completely left out of the loop in his home ward. Brian befriended Rob and went up there and got him and drove him back to our home and activities. (Rob was the oldest of 10 children in a very busy household. His mother, Lois, often told me that Brian saved Rob!). Anyways, we loved these boys as our own. They had tremendous experiences with one another. Rob was included in the zany videos that Brian, David, and Dave Farnworth (their wonderful brother-in law) along with Ryan Paternoster (David’s good friend) created during that time. All those boys eventually went on Church Missions.

I can’t remember whose idea it was, but anyways, I produced and printed a missionary newsletter for all these good buddies. We called it the “Boise Buzz.” The mothers got their sons’ timely entries to me. These newsletters were sent to the far reaches of the world: Brian-Brazil; Brent-Portugal; Rob-Florida; Darren Butler-Harrisburg, PA; Tyler Smith-S. Africa; Tim Davis-Thailand; Ben Ellsworth-Texas; Nate Tanner-Brazil, and Ethan Messer-Kentucky. It helped all these good friends connect with one another during this pivotal time of their lives. This was 1994-96 before email, so it proved to be very valuable. I kept copies of all the newsletters in a binder. I hope Brian knows where they are, because I handed them off to him!

I have seen that same loving and caring attitude that he had for his good friends now magnified with his own sweet wife, Tiana, and family, Katie, Austin, and Lola.   He has also been very effective in his ward for years as YM President, helping young men in the Aaronic Priesthood develop and prepare for missions! He has worked in Scouting, advancing boys to Eagle (as he did years ago), planned Scout camps, fun trips, and led by example. (The following was edited on Nov. 11.) Brian was just called to the Stake High Council over YM and Aaronic Priesthood. Jim ordained him a High Priest with great extended-family support there. Our two sons, David and Brian, are on the Stake HC in their respective Stakes in Meridian, ID, and West Jordan, UT. How did the years fly by so fast? I fondly remember the two little boys playing with their Tonka trucks in our sandbox!

Thank you, Lord, for that missionary’s prayer and for sending us SIX outstanding spirits who have magnified their callings in life. We love them ALL so much!  
                                         Memories of Carol Ann Shepherd 11-1-18 (edited 11-11-18)
