I Can Do It--Go For It!--Lisa

My confident little 2½ year old daughter, insisted, “Mama, I want to sing a song in Jr. Sunday School all by myself.” (Jr. SS was on Sunday morning, and Primary was in the middle of the week in 1970.) I reasoned with my little girl, Lisa (Shepherd), that she wasn’t even old enough to even go to Jr. Sunday School until she turned 3. Persistent she was, and I finally talked the Coordinator , Helen Berger, into letting this youngster sing her solo, “I Know My Father Lives”, and she did--pitch perfect! That’s Lisa. When she makes up her mind to do something, it usually happens! She and her sisters, Susan and Jill, modeled their identical outfits I had made them in many RS fashion-shows with upmost confidence. She was not afraid of the spotlight.

When she was 9 and Jill was 11, I heard that tryouts would be held at the Spec Center at Boise State for an upcoming production, “Sound of Music.” The two girls had beautiful voices, and I encouraged them to tryout. We practiced a couple of songs and headed for BSU. I was so naïve that I hadn’t arranged for an accompanist for them, but talked someone to accompany my two girls. With no voice training, I took them out on the lawn and encouraged them to sing out. When they were called up, both did an amazing job, and I thought that both had a clear shot. However, they only took Lisa to play Marta. This made for numerous rehearsals at the college. I attended every one of them and dragged David and Brian along. The music director was phenomenal. Lisa learned part-singing, projecting, and acting. She was completely unafraid!

When she was 12, she auditioned for a production for Primary-age girls to sing in “Third Nephi,” a large Church production coming to Boise. They would sit at the feet of the Savior and sing two songs. She was chosen in 1 of 2 spots from our Stake. I saw her confidence build as she participated in that incredible play.

Lisa was diligent on the day-after-day duties of hauling newspapers on the paper route. She learned consistency and hard work! She was smart in school work and excelled in higher math. And, she played basketball. After Jill made Cheerleader at Boise High, Lisa set her mind to do that also when she was a Sophomore. Jump, cheer, smile, she did it all. She made the A Capella Choir and then the highly esteemed Madrigals as a Senior at Boise High School. I could clearly see a confident and motivated young woman emerging. There was never any question whether or not she would graduate from college. She always “began with the end in mind!” After graduating from Ricks, the transition to BYU found her sleeping in her car for three nights because her room wasn’t available until then. In fact, she used that to her advantage when she got a job as a BYU telephone operation. They asked, “Where do you live?” She replied, “Do you mean right now? In my car!” 😊 They gave her the job! She knew what she wanted, and she usually got it!

David Glen Farnworth followed her to BYU from Ricks. He knew a good catch when he saw one! Having dated a lot, he told his mother, “Lisa isn’t an air-head like so many girls, I have dated. She has substance.” I actually loved Dave before Lisa did. She had her eyes on another guy. However, Dave wouldn’t let her get away. They were married in the Boise Temple while both were BYU students. He was like a big brother to David and Brian and greatly loved! Lisa earned her Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education (like her mom). She was a ward Relief Society President at BYU at the same time I was in Boise. Her first baby, Jordan, was born while Dave was finishing his degree in Communications. Then came Zachary, Kaleb, and Jacob. Wanting a little girl so badly, they crossed the finish line with little Megan. Four very active boys and one little girl.

Confidently, they later built their dream home on Alan Point Drive in Draper, Utah. Lisa spear-headed every board and nail! As Dave’s Compworks business grew, Lisa finally took over the books! Whatever she saw to do, she did it. Planning a family trip to Hawaii, they took Dave in a wheelchair (he broke his back) and administered Levaquin shots along the way! New York, you got it! Teaching Kindergarten-no problem! A family trip to Europe to get Jacob off his mission became an adventure! And, she quit teaching when they wouldn’t give her time off. Confident and sure of herself finds her going after her Master’s Degree now as a Grandma! Lisa is one who just makes up her mind to do something and then does it. I saw it coming at 2 ½!
                                                                                              Memories of Carol Ann Shepherd 11-18
